Cinnamon reduces appetite and very spicy dishes.

The active ingredient which has been shown in studies to increase fat burning is said that capsaicin, which is used to prepare a variety of chiles.
For this reason, it is a common ingredient in many supplements commercial weight loss.
A study has found that people who regularly eat foods pepper and add the red pepper 1 gram to eat less fat burning increased.
However, you can build up a tolerance to no effect, indicating that people were accustomed to spicy food that was there.
Animal studies have also found lung, capsaicin to combat certain types of cancer, including prostate cancer and liver.
Of course, it is observed that the anticancer effects in humans, however, so take this with a grain of salt.

The Bottom Line
Cayenne reduces appetite and increases fat burning, which is a substance called capsaicin, is very rich. It has also shown anti-cancer potential in animal studies.



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