Going for a Walk

Benefits of Going for a Walk

                              The beauty of walking for exercise is that it requires little or no equipment just shoes and maybe some sunscreen and has a long list of benefits, including a reduced risk of some diseases and general health improvement . Walking is also a low, easy on the joints at risk, and can be taken by anyone of any age or fitness level. Even better, walking outdoors has been shown to produce a number of positive effects that make any excuse you may have to sit on your ass good enough.

The sofa still calling your name? So, take note of just some of the many benefits of walking that are hard to ignore:

Walking outdoor.
                A recent study showed that walking in the pleasant outdoor spaces both reduces stress and improves mood. The study showed that walking in general, not just outside, was helpful in relieving stress, but that the greatest benefits came from walking outdoors, and the benefits lasted for at least 30 minutes later. Another advocate of walking outdoors is the director George Gubernikoff MD scholarship program of cardiology at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern, who walks regularly in a botanical garden near his home. The pathways are intriguing and drive to walk farther than they might have otherwise. In addition steps stairs and ramps make the heart pump at variable rates that may be more beneficial than the rate fixed exercise.

Walking helps you.
                       You do not have to run for miles or take Crossfit weight loss. As simple and pleasant as walking physical activity can help burn more calories and maintain a healthy weight. According to Katherine Zeratsky, RD, LD, adding just 30 minutes of  walking to your daily routine can help burn near an aggregate of 150 calories a day, which, along with a healthy diet, low in calories, you can help you lose and keep off the pounds.

Walking can improve.
                      A 2014 study Heart Association showed that a walking program helped improve blood flow for people with poor circulation in the legs. Walking can even help reduce pain from poor circulation, improving oxygen delivery to tissues and reduce plaque buildup in the arteries.

Walking helps you sleep better.
                         We are all about the daily walk for better sleep. Because exercise during the day, especially in the morning can increase the effect of hormone melatonin sleep at night. Article 8 Secrets to sleep well at night. Harvard Women's Health Watch newsletter supports a daily brisk walk, especially one taken in the morning as it can help achieve a better night's sleep. Furthermore, the article states that, one study found that postmenopausal women who exercised for about three hours a week had an easier time falling asleep than women who exercised less frequently.

Walking allows you to connect with nature and your thoughts.
                           No windows, no phone calls, no distractions. You walk down the street, just reconnect with nature. Take a deep breath, delight in your environment, and feel that deeper connection forming between you, nature, and his inner mind.




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