Weigh yourself on a regular basis

Losing Weight

                     Topic losing weight is everywhere in the world. Every One want to look slim and smart.
Now a day a lot-of talk shows and TV shows and news programs daily fill their time folk sharing villagers weight loss topics. Some TV shows like the biggest lose even allow viewers to follow the progress of the contestants. Despite these efforts, obesity and overweight rates continue to rise. In fact, weight loss is very difficult and maintenance can be even harder.

The most commonly cited statistic for maintaining weight loss indicates that only about 5% of the population is successful, but there is some debate about how accurate this is. A meta-analysis published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that those able to lose at least 10% of their body weight actually have a success rate of 20%. Still, a chance of one out of five is not all that promising.

The few who manage to lose excess pounds for good almost always say that their success is due to a change of complete lifestyle. No diets. There are no quick solutions. Weight maintenance is making a conscious choice for the rest of your life. It is hard work, but is also feasible. These seven tips can help you get there.

Make working out a priority

                      In 1994 the NWC Registry was found to identify people who have successfully maintained significant weight loss and study the behaviors that help you stay fit. Currently, it tracks more than 10,000 people. Of all the strategies of these individuals use, exercise is the most common. According to the website, 90% of members exercise for at least an hour every day. It should be as routine as brushing your teeth.

Most Americans are far from this amount, struggling to meet the minimum requirements set by Physical Activity Guidelines CDC for Americans. Many do not enjoy their sweat sessions, so the real key to success is finding something you like. If that is impossible, at least find a way to take responsibility or give yourself small rewards. Another strategy is to make the treadmill or cycling training the only time you can watch a favorite program. The session sweat suddenly seem much less horrible.

Weigh yourself on a regular basis

                         Although some people cringe at the thought of stepping on the scale, it is one of the best ways to stay honest. A study in the Journal of Obesity found that those who weighed themselves daily were more likely to lose weight and maintain their slim figures. You do not want to become obsessed with numbers, though. Note that occasional indulgences that can leave a few pounds higher than he wanted.

If you weigh yourself every day seems too stressful, try a strategy, once a week. A study found that this method was sufficient to prevent weight gain, but any thing less frequently associated with extra pounds.

You  already know that your metabolism naturally decreases as age decreases but did you know that the average American gains one pound a year after the age of 25 years? This means that at the time they are 60, you can expect to be 35 heavier than you were when you were 25. At least pounds, this statistic fear that should get to the gym more often than not, and inspire to skip the nightly bowl of ice cream you've grown accustomed. Regardless of their exercise and eating habits, because your metabolism slows down is easy for additional annual pound can sneak there.

To combat weight gain, you need to get control of your metabolism slowing down. By eating and exercising properly, you can speed up your metabolism so that the levels may not have experienced since his younger days when he was able to save beers, pizzas and junk food late at night as if it were nothing.

Eat regularly

                     You already know that to weight lose you have to burn more calories than you consume. When most people hear this, they get on the diet so that reduced their calorie intake significantly. Unfortunately, when significantly it decreases the number of calories your metabolism is significantly reduced as it realizes that there is no more fuel to burn. Then it begins to break down precious muscle to burn calories for energy that leads to muscle loss. To speed up your metabolism and still lose weight, it is recommended that you eat enough so that you are not hungry, which most likely means you have small to mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks between three smaller meals.

Go green

                      Replace your mocha morning with a cup of brewed green tea. This energy tea is full of antioxidants, which slows the signs of aging and combat all kinds of diseases. In addition, it can help reduce body fat, especially in the stomach area, improves brain function and reduces the risk of various cancers. On top of its significant health benefits, green tea can increase your metabolic rate to help achieve that faster metabolism, which in turn leads to weight control and weight loss easier.

Don’t neglect the gym

                  The muscle is a meaning that energy is needed to maintain metabolically active tissue. building muscle mass can boost your metabolism and help burn calories faster. Hitting the gym regularly and focuses on strength training, you can build muscle which in turn increase your metabolism. While Body Building recommends this as the first step toward increasing your calorie intake, do not rule out the value of cardiovascular exercise, particularly high intensity interval training. HIIT cardio is done to short intervals at intensities that will make your heart rate jump.

Eat more protein

                                 One of the easiest ways to increase your metabolism and help additional muscle ways is to focus on excess consumption. Exchanging complex carbohydrates to lean protein sources including soy, nuts, legumes, meats and fish. This not only helps to increase the metabolism of protein your but keeps your blood sugar stable blood to provide going to a general increase in energy levels, keeps your body burns calories constantly between meals, and can reduce the desire to eat junk food.

Stay hydrated

                                Again, water and crawling through this magical and free substance that can do no wrong. All chemical reactions in your body, including metabolism, need water to function. If you are dehydrated, your metabolism may decrease, and can record up to 2% fewer calories. Try to get to 12 8-ounce glasses of water a day in eight to keep your body fully hydrated and ensure your metabolism is running smoothly.

Get your iron

                        Getting enough iron is essential in many of the metabolic functions of the body, particularly the production of hemoglobin the protein that binds the oxygen for delivery to various organs. If you do not get enough iron, you feel low energy and your metabolism will slow down. The best way to get your fill of iron is naturally eat iron-rich foods such as seafood, lean meats, beans, fortified cereals, and spinach.



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