Morning walk Routine Will Change Your Day

25-Minute Morning Routine Will Change Your Day

                                        Most of us go to bed with the intention of waking up enough to successfully start our day, but after a drunken night game of Thrones our good friend the snooze button becomes increasingly attractive. As a result, we desperately wakes up at the last possible moment and rush out the door with barely enough time to brush your teeth, let alone to achieve one of the tasks throughout the morning for yourself yesterday evening.

This frenetic start to the day mixed with the guilt of not achieving its objectives in the morning bleeds into your entire day. Their job performance mentality and interaction with others will be negatively affected. His calm morning Peaceful ensures that feel more fulfilled and productive for the rest of the day. In the morning, it sets the tone for each day and the value of each day builds the quality of your life.

A morning ritual also prevent mental fatigue. When the start of the day does not change over to make decisions throughout the day. That's why Mark Zuckerberg door infamously the same thing every day. There is power in knowing exactly how the first minutes of your day will be. Here are some tips morning routine that will change your day.

Drink warm lemon water

                                     Lemon is a natural stimulant that hydrates and oxygenates the body. They are full of vitamin C, B complex magnesium iron, calcium, potassium and fibers. This step is essential to hydrate your body first thing in the morning so you feel revitalized and refreshed the day. Lemon drink in hot water for 15 to 20 minutes before eating breakfast to get the full effect of benefits, including support digestion improves weight loss by reducing inflammation of the skin and a big blow inch energy, among others.

Move your body

                  Spend 10 minutes stretching your body to relax stiff muscles. First, turn your shoulders back to open the chest and raise the upper body. Next, reach your arms overhead and stretch from one side to the other. He leans forward and try to touch your toes, which stretch the hamstrings and relax your back muscles. Finally, we're going down on his knees and sit on your heels to the attitude of the child to open the hips and stretch your knee joints. These simple movements relax your body, increase blood flow and sends oxygen to the brain.


                        The meditation may sound scary but it can be anything you want it to be. Find a clear calm and sit in a comfortable position sitting hesitate to sit on a pillow or against a wall. You can breathe deeply and focus on your breath or enjoy a guided meditation using Head space application. Give yourself about 10 minutes to meditate. Take this time to connect with yourself and balance your physical and mental and the emotional states before starting the day. Meditation helps relieve the stress and anxiety that you can enjoy a peaceful day, happy and relaxed.

Write down your intention

                          Take a moment to focus your energy on you today want to be or what you want to achieve. Is there something you want to work? A habit you want to stop smoking or quality of personality that you wanted to develop? This can be one sentence and should give focus day. Setting intentions daily can help you achieve happiness and fulfillment, while providing a better understanding of its values, objectives and goals.



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