Expert Guide to Wonderful Winter Workouts

Typically winter buffs think winter is the worst time of the year. they can�t run, they can�t swim, they can?t play tennis � they can?t do much of anything they are really interested in. What, after all, CAN you do to when snow blankets the lawn, sheets of ice cover the driveway and arctic winds cruise up and down the neighborhood?s streets and alleys?

A lot! Winter actually offers a small army of unique-to-the-season winter activities: skiing, sledging, ice skating, snow camping, snowshoeing, and much, much more.

winter, sport, skiing, kids, fitness

All the experts agree: wintertime outdoor exercise has some advantages over summer time sweat.

One common myth that keeps a lot of people inside when they might be enjoying themselves outside is the notion that cold is bad for you.

�There is one population at special risk ? people with coronary disease. But anyone else in good basic health can exercise in the cold without worrying about it,? says Steve Farrel, a research scientist for the Institute of Aerobics Research in Dallas, Texas. (Source: Everyday Health Tips, p. 276)

winter, sport, bicycle, cycling

And freezing your lungs? Total myth, with no basis in fact. �It?s nonsense,� says University of Louisville Health Promotion and Wellness Center director Bryant Stamford, Ph. D. ?In fact, if you?ve got a Viking orientation you can exercise in really brutal weather. Even at 20 below zero, the air you inhale is thoroughly warmed before it reaches the lungs. If you do frost your lungs, you are in the Antarctic somewhere.?



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