Overtraining is the result of working out too hard for too long. No one actually sets out to overtrain. You don?t want to undertrain, either, as that would slow down your progress. So what should one do? The key is to keep training, yet provide your body with adequate nutrients, rest and plenty of recovery time.
When I first learned about overtraing, I must say it was quite difficult to fully understand what many people really meant by it. Over the years, I learned that in the first stages of body building, your body responds to anything you throw at it in the gym. Every time you get to the gym, you train as hard as you physically can without considering muscle overtraining. You get bigger and stronger everyday. As your rate of improvement slows, however, you may find from time to time that your enthusiasm decreases. The reason for that is simple; it means that your muscle needs a break. Before getting further into this, let me raise a question; how many of you would like to work all year without taking any time off or go away on a nice vacation. I know, I don?t and I hope you feel the same way because you need a break mentally as well as physically. Overtraining weightlifting uses the same concept; your muscle needs a break from time to time. These unfortunate alterations, can lead to losses in muscle mass and strength as well as diminished energy levels.
When I first started working out, one of my many goals was to go to the gym and workout everyday so I can get to my desired size. I would only take time off only when I really can?t get to the gym. In fact, if anybody would try to educate me about muscle overtraining, I would think that this particular person doesn?t want to see me get big.
Perhaps I should tell you about some of the overtraining symptoms that I?ve experienced and maybe you too can relate. I started feeling really tired mentally and physically; I wanted to go back home every time I get to the gym, and last and certainly not least, I stopped gaining muscle size. These are some of the obvious symptoms that I paid absolutely no attention to. I didn?t make any research until I stated to lose muscle mass. Overtraining and fatigue go hand in hand. If during your workout, you feel like taking a break, maybe you should.
In conclusion, don?t be a slave to your workouts. The purpose of your workout is to serve your body, not for your body to serve the workout. Overtraining is a very serious matter and needs to be taken very seriously. Besides those described symptoms mentioned on the above paragraph, your immune system may also get affected, leaving you more susceptible to illness. If anybody has experienced different symptoms, please feel free to share by posting comments and concerns and I?ll be more than happy to discuss in future post.