Pregnancy Doctors Usually Only See Once in a Lifetime

I was fading in and out of consciousness. I anesthesiologist gently, telling me moving my hair off my face, remember that it will be all right. It will soon be over. In the recovery room, a team of doctors peered at me and told me that everything is fine - but do not expect it. I had an ectopic pregnancy, the first of its kind and the doctors had ever seen, "he was lucky to be able to see some kind of a time in his career OBGYN."

This kid was pregnant in a year and a half my husband. Every month we have a period and frustration with it a try for a baby. I finally learned I was pregnant, my enthusiasm had won the Powerball lottery with someone who was.

For a few weeks, every minute I was able to enjoy the splendor of a first pregnancy can bring. A blueberry, a jellybean, a vineyard: I already madly my fetus was checking websites to see exactly what size it was.

Six weeks took his dog to the local dog park to play in my pregnancy, I. As I watched her wrestle with her fellow generator best friend, I felt like how I would imagine getting repeatedly stabbed with what looks like a butcher knife pain in my stomach experience. It took my breath away. Let me come over in pain and dropped to my knees. I do not know how I'd put my dog ​​and I drove home from the park with a serious pain.

I felt in my heart something very wrong, but I did not know for sure because I've never been pregnant before. The next day the pain, put me down as my OBGYN. I was pregnant - at least according to my data HCG (pregnancy hormone) - but a child conceived rod is free and clear of any pregnancy.

I felt in my heart something very wrong, but I did not know for sure because I've never been pregnant before.
I was still a child, called an ectopic pregnancy the fertilized egg (or tubal pregnancy), is only 1-2% of all pregnancies, in which the inner lining of the uterus grows somewhere said.

The pain continued into the next day, so doctors embryo is still located where it was assumed that the ectopic pregnancy was registered in my fallopian tube. He wheeled to remove the embryo in San Diego Scripps Hospital for laparoscopic surgery on me. I wish it was not so as to reduce their chances of a successful pregnancy in the future, will come out of the surgery with two fallopian tubes intact.

The drug was still trying to wake him put to sleep for surgery, and the doctors were almost giddy telling me stories about my special and rare ectopic.

"We went in and looked around the fallopian tubes and the reproductive system, but we can not find the embryo," the doctor said # 1.

"It took me a while to find out where the embryo, but we finally found it attached to your bladder!" Dr. # 2.

"Are you happy for a doctor to be able to see one of these types of pregnancies in their entire career." Said Dr. # 3.

It was attached to the fertilized outside my reproductive system, and my bladder wall. I was a child growing on your bladder.

I sure enough, a 2006 study conducted by the Journal of Urology, it states "the bladder wall in ectopic pregnancy is an extremely rare condition."

I went home with a bottle of stitches above her pubic bone and pain pills. I healed the wounds of my surgery and was told to rest for a week. For a week, I had wallowed in self-pity and mourning and pregnancy.

I was staring at the ceiling, was on the sofa, asking, "Why me?" How could shatter his dream of being a mother of a freak happenstance in nature? It will be difficult to start traveling again. To me over and over again will not feel confident in your own body's ability to carry a child.

Then the unexpected happened: I felt real joy and gratitude. I picked myself off the couch and I was lucky because I thought of all the reasons I was healing quickly recover from surgery. Fetal not burst inside my body. And emotionally, I was very happy to be alive and grateful thanks to both my fallopian tube. I knew I could conceive, can be a successful pregnancy.
Sure enough, I was right. A year later, I became pregnant again. The nervous because I had my first pregnancy, but this experience gave me a strong constitution. It made the children desire to be more closely linked. I felt I complained about being pregnant like my body was amazing was not about women - it was able to grow a human being! The honors through each stage. I felt a healthy baby girl was delivered after me and my fertility challenges.

Not true. I got a hard road.

During her second child conceived in an attempt to have suffered two miscarriages. Abortion was not as dramatic as a rare ectopic pregnancy, each one more devastating. A leaking toilet came out one night, and the other requires a dilation and Curettage (D & C) to remove the hospital.

A fertility doctor visit, I was told that the "low ovarian reserve" Diagnostic and I will never have any more children with her eggs. I knew in my heart it was not true. In the children who were there in my future, but I will never believe how many estimates.

After two rounds of in vitro fertilization, I became pregnant again.

With three.

I will provide two girls and a boy.The news, initially, to the shock and horror through my mind. I will afford three songs? How would they care? How will travel anywhere ever again? My husband and I made peace with you soon, bought a minivan, and started saving money for diapers.

Today is the age of my first daughter 11 years and eight to three.
I'm living proof that you can be random victim of a rare pregnancy and come out the other side with the children. Many women are lucky with a quick idea, or an uneventful pregnancy and delivery. Many of us pregnancy miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy used to, and in the struggle with infertility, the emotions of envy and hatred in the past. I had to work through these toxic emotions. I do not determine my worth reproductive health, and my struggle is only made me stronger.

The fact is that life is not easy - my house is in chaos most of the time. I am constantly trying to find my children, that perfect balance between quality at the expense of keeping with my husband and friends the home and work.

Still, when I think back to when I was hunched over in painful agony, I know that I have come a long way. I have an ectopic pregnancy and suffered physical and emotional pain of infertility, and now I know I can get through any difficult obstacle life throws your way. It was worth it.



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