Exper Guide: The Quickest Way To Play Better Golf

G?lf has always been v??w?d as ? g?m? ?f l??sur?. ?ut t?d??'s g?lf?r ?s l??n?r, str?ng?r, ?nd f?tt?r. Unt?l th? last few ???rs, g?lf?rs didn't know how t? g? about ?n??r??r?t?ng g?lf f?tn?ss, ?r specifically r?s?st?n?? tr??n?ng for g?lf.

?h?? have had ? v?s??n ?f g??ng into th? l???l g?m ?nd being ?nt?m?d?t?d by th? "mus?l? h??ds." ?t ??n ?ls? b? ?v?rwh?lm?ng t? d???d? what ?l?n ?f ??t??n t? take ?nd if ?t w?ll b? w?rth th? t?m? ?nd ?ff?rt. ? have l?st?d some m?ths about str?ngth tr??n?ng for g?lf ?nd th? truths about them as w?ll.

"? w?ll bulk up too much ?nd that w?ll h?nd?r m? g?lf sw?ng."

G?lf f?tn?ss (r?s?st?n?? tr??n?ng s????f?? for g?lf) w?ll not r?sult ?n mus?l? g??n that w?ll ?lt?r your sw?ng m??h?n??s. ?? ?n?r??s? mus?l? s?z?, ?nv?lv?s l?ft?ng ?n?r??s?ngl? h??v??r w??ghts with l?w?r r???t?t??ns, ?n?r??s?ng your ??l?r?? ?nt?k? dr?m?t???ll?, ?nd s??nd?ng ? ??u?l? ?f h?urs per d?? l?ft?ng w??ghts.

? g?lf f?tn?ss ?r?gr?m ?n??r??r?t?s m?d?r?t? w??ght, with m?d?um (12-15) r???t?t??ns, ?nd ?n ? t?m? fr?m? ?f 30-45 m?nut?s. ?h?s t??? ?f ?r?gr?m ?s d?s?gn?d t? ?m?r?v? your g?lf s????f?? str?ngth ?nd ?ndur?n??, not bu?ld mus?l?.

"? w?ll l?s? fl???b?l?t? if ? l?ft w??ghts."

?n f??t, th? ????s?t? ?s tru?! W??k mus?l?s ?r? ?ls? t?ght mus?l?s. Wh?n you d? r?s?st?n?? tr??n?ng, you ?r? ?n?r??s?ng bl??d fl?w, w?rk?ng through ? fun?t??n?l r?ng? ?f m?t??n s????f?? t? g?lf, ?nd str?ngth?n?ng th? t?nd?ns ?nd l?g?m?nts ?n every ???nt ?f your b?d?. ?n ??n?un?t??n with ? str?t?h?ng ?r?gr?m, str?ngth tr??n?ng w?ll ?m?r?v? fl???b?l?t?, not h?nd?r ?t.

"W??ght tr??n?ng w?ll cause me t? l?s? f??l."

?? str?ngth?n?ng your mus?l?s s????f?? t? g?lf, you w?ll have b?tt?r ??ntr?l ?f your b?d?. ? g?lf f?tn?ss ?r?gr?m tr??ns your b?d? specifically for your g?lf g?m?. Wh?n you ?m?r?v? fun?t??n?l str?ngth, you have more ??ntr?l ?nd b?l?n??, which w?ll ?m?r?v? your f??l. ?tr?ngth tr??n?ng ?nv?lv?s b?d? ?w?r?n?ss, mus?ul?r ??ntr?l, ?nd ???rd?n?t??n. ?h?s? ?r? ?ll k?? ?l?m?nts for ?nh?n??d g?lf.

?? ?n summ?r?, g?lf f?tn?ss ??n b? done when you ?r? ?n your ??rl? t??ns (w?th su??rv?s??n), ?r into your l?t? 80's. ? have ??rs?n?ll? w?rk?d with ????l? ?n there 70's ?nd 80's who ?n?r??s?d their str?ngth 100%. ?h?s was ??rtl? due t? th? ?n?t??l l?v?l ?f f?tn?ss being s? l?w. ?? ???nt ?s, that ?t ?s never too l?t? t? st?rt. ???r?h ?ut ? f?tn?ss ?r?f?ss??n?l ?r ??nd?t??n?ng s?????l?st t? d?s?gn ? g?lf s????f?? ?r?gr?m ?nd you w?ll ?l?? b?tt?r th?n you ever ?m?g?n?d! ?t?rt n?w!



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